We are proud to announce that the Fourth International Congress on Mobile Health and Digital Technology in Epilepsy will be held in Lausanne October 11-13, 2023.
The last edition held in Lausanne in 2019 was very successful in gathering numerous stakeholders active in the field.
The main topics of this fourth edition :
•Users' perspectives and preferences
•Autonomic biosignals and seizure detection
•Seizure forecasting
•Epilepsy apps
•EEG wearables, ultralong term monitoring & automated analysis
•Managing and sharing mobile health data
•Closed-loop systems and other innovative brain stimulations
According to the rapid developments observed in the field, we are very confident that this fourth edition will be even more successful, taking advantage of the unique NeuroTechnology environment of the Lemanic region.
On the first day (October 11th afternoon), take part of the 04th Masterclass about the 3RDHOME VIDEO-EEG TELEMETRY (HVET). The MHDTE Conference will then be held on October 12th and 13th.
We look forward to welcoming you in Lausanne
Best regards,
Sándor Beniczky and Philippe Ryvlin
This meeting has been endorsed by the European Academy of Neurology